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Kyle Whitaker

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I have a new Windows 10 laptop that I am "burning in" to use for the show this year.  There is a program called LORCommListener.exe that is popping up that I don't remember seeing on any other computer before.  Any idea why it is starting up and what it is?


It looks like a Dos Window with the following:


2015-09-30 18:09:24   1:LCM        [iNFO ] Initializing
2015-09-30 18:09:25  30:Listener   [iNFO ] Listening on port 8837
2015-09-30 18:09:25  32:Listener   [iNFO ] Connection accepted (
2015-09-30 18:09:25   2:ReqHandler [iNFO ] Client identified as Control Panel
2015-09-30 18:09:25  32:Listener   [iNFO ] Connection accepted (
2015-09-30 18:09:26   3:Listener   [iNFO ] Socket (Control Panel), connection closed while reading msg header
2015-09-30 18:09:26  32:Listener   [iNFO ] Connection accepted (
2015-09-30 18:09:26  25:Listener   [iNFO ] Socket (Control Panel), exiting
2015-09-30 18:09:26   2:ReqHandler [iNFO ] Client identified as Control Panel

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Somewhere in the "What's New" section of the documentation it mentions why, but it needs to be running now.


It's only active when you have the LOR Tray (LOR Control Panel) running. If you shut that down, it goes away. Minimize it and forget it, that's what I do.

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So it's new in V4?  I did a search for LORCommListener and didn't find anything in the documentation, but as long as that is supposed to pop up I'm fine.

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It's not new to S4 - it's been around since version 3.0.0.  You've likely never seen it before because it only starts up when it's needed, and it's only needed in certain situations.  You're seeing it now because it's now needed in more situations than it had been. 


I'd suggest just not worrying about it, and leaving it be.  Like Don said: "Minimize it and forget it".

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