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sub sequences


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I create my SuperStar sequences then export them to a SuperStar export folder, then in my main sequence I direct it to my SuperStar export folder and use the exported file as a sub sequence. I have just used this for my pixel tree with globe. I now have created two star burst the same way. And everything works fine. So, I am using two sub sequences in my main sequence. The question is, will I be able to use these if I upgrade to S4, or will I have to redo all my pixel sequences?

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In S4 you will have two options:


Option 1) You can continue to do what you are doing. Everything that S3 does is also supported in S4. In other words, it is backward compatible


Option 2) You can export the sequences in the New Format (as Intensity Data) and the intensity data will show up as a line on the bottom of the sequence editor. However, currently the sequence editor only supports one intensity data file from superstar. In your case, you have two files to export. This will be fixed, probably this week. Either the sequence editor will be changed to support more than one intensity data file, or SuperStar will have a feature where you can combine exported intensity data files into one file for the sequence editor.

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Just thought of another question. With the new format S4, can I use the exiting Superstar sequences as is (pixel Tree and Star burst). Then create let's as a matrix using the new format and export it into my sequence? Will that work?

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The Sequence Editor in S4 will do everything the S3 sequence editor did, plus it will play the new format (intensity data) files as well. So, yes it will play the old format and new format together, but each piece should control different lights. For example, stuff in the old format should be controlling different lights than the stuff in the new format.

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I guess what I meant to say is, If I have two Sub sequences  created in S 3 Super Star (pixel tree and Starburst) then create a matrix using the new  Intensity Data format then export it into the same main sequence where the other two sub sequences are. Will they play together? 

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Yes, you can have one pixel editor intensity file and one SS intensity file in the same SE sequence. They will both play fine as long as they each play to different lights.

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This is news. I was lead to beleive that only 1 intensity file could be used. Dan said he would work on a merge file program to allow users to use 2 intensity files.

I will try this today......

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My understanding is that currently the Sequence Editor will play both intensity files as long as they each control different lights. But if they both control the same lights then that does not work, they will both constantly conflict with each other. So I believe the merge program Dan is talking about is to make it so both files can control the same lights and not conflict with each other. In other words, it enables you to combine effects from SuperStar and from the Pixel Editor onto the same lights.

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