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S4 Visualizer, Superstar Window

Ron Boyd

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When re-creating a visualizer file to convert to DMX pixels from single bulb, in S3, I had a gap between elements on the Box grid. On the new Superstar Button, I select the force box, add in the row and column, but it ignores those column #s, all elements are butted up against each other with no gap.


So, I haven't tried it yet, mainly because I just thought of it. Will the old Superstar Keywords in the "Comments" section still work to do this? I will attempt to do this and see, but I just wanted to put this out while I was thinking of it




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Yes, the keywords are still functional as well for backward compatibility. But the values in the superstar button are supposed to work. Please email your visualization to brian@superstarlights and I will take a look at it.


Note that if you have keywords and are also using the values in the superstar button, the keywords will override the values in the superstar button.

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No values in. All new visualizer, all in DMX. I'll send it out to you. Thanks Brian.


***Note***, I did notice I have the circles and Arch swapped in the S4 files I'm sending. The arch is supposed to be on the far right. I'm also sending the same s# .lee files to show the gaps.

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Ron, in my experience yesterday my rows and columns were messed up. I swapped the two and things fell into place. I mentioned this to Brian but haven't heard back. Maybe try and swap your row and column entries and see if you get better results. I noticed this issue because keywords worked, but parameters didn't. Also, I had to put the row at 0. In my case, row is actually a column. If I put 1, it would skip the first column.

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My rows and columns are set up. I just have several different shapes, lengths of pixels and such, so when looking at hundreds of green boxes they tend to run together. I like to have a gap between each element. Brian said its supposed to work but its not working properly. I sent visualizer files to him, so we'll see

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I have duplicated the bug where the row/columns are reversed if specified in the "superstar" button in the visualizer. In addition they were 0 based. I have fixed them so they are not reversed and are 1 based. The fix will be in the next beta release or you can get it now by doing the following:


1) Shut down SuperStar
2) Look for SSEdit.exe. It will be in one of the following two places:
c:\Program Files\Light-O-Rama\SSEdit.exe
c:\Program Files (x86)\Light-O-Rama\SSEdit.exe
3) Rename it to something like SSEdit_original.exe
4) Use the link below to get the new SSEdit.exe and copy it to the same place where you renamed the original SSEdit.exe
5) Launch SuperStar. If you have done everything correctly, it will say v0.1503.31 in the title bar in the upper left of the program.
6) Verify that the bug is fixed
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Still not getting any gaps as prescribed on the SS Tab. Also, the Circles in the Vis file i sent you earlier are showing up in Columns 1-8 and are supposed to be Columns 43-50.


Now, a question, should I do this in the fixture Superstar tab or the Prop Superstar tab, or both? Should it be done in the real visualizer file also?


I can always revert back to the Comments section, but I'm sure this is something you want to fix.


Thanks again Brian


60 CCR v0.1503.31

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I may have another.


I have a visualizer set up for Superstar. I can get everything to line up properly except for 4 props that are dumb RGB. I have set it up every way I can think of. 


What I've done so far:


Added each element, 1 at a time,

deleted each prop when it was added and created a prop of each fixture in the element, separately.

Used the "Superstar Button" in the visualizer and assigned a row and column value for each prop under the "Props" tab.

Used the "Superstar Button" in the visualizer and assigned Reverse values for each prop under the "Fixtures" tab.


All props line up as expected until I get to the non-pixel props (ie., dumb RGB props)


I added them as a prop made up of 8, 8, 8 and 3 fixtures in each element. 

Used the "Superstar Button" in the visualizer and assigned a row and column value for each prop under the "Props" tab (Rows 45-48).

Used the "Superstar Button" in the visualizer and assigned Reverse values for each prop under the "Fixtures" tab.


These 4 props were added to the bottom section, directly underneath the Arches in Rows 43 and 44.

I then created a prop for each of the 27 fixtures and did the same using the Superstar button. 

Resulted in the same placement on the grid.


I then went back to the original props, removed all info in the "Superstar Button".

I then added to the "Comments" section, "superstar reverse row=1 column=45".

Still added the elements to the grid in the same place.


Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:




I will e-mail the visualizations also.


Software version: 60 CCR v4.0.4

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