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traded sequence not working. any ideas why?


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Halloween is a big show time for us so I have several Halloween sequences, but this year we thought about rolling out a mild Christmas display just for our enjoyment.  Since we decided late this year to do so, I sequenced out a couple songs, bought a couple of songs and traded some Halloween sequences with a friendly LOR member, to speed things up.  All the songs work except the couple that I traded for.  I feel like it's a setting issue with something being different between our controller set ups.  The sequences run in the editor just fine, but the lights do not work.  I don't remember having this issue with bought or traded sequences in the past, so I'm not sure where to start my troubleshooting.  Maybe the ID settings or the channel names or something along those lines?  Has anybody ran across this situation before?


Thanks in advance for your help...



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More information is needed. License level, AC or DC controllers? Did you verify the individual channel requirements and network selections in the SE on those channels. Is the Control Lights option checked in the SE, Play menu pulldown? Also, you cannot have the hardware utility open at the same time as the SE.

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I have the advanced license level, version 3.7.  I have one CTB16PC controller.  I didn't know to look at those requirements, because I haven't had this problem before, but I will definitely start there.  I am sure that the HU isn't open though.  Since my other sequences run the lights, it seems like it'd have to be a setting within the individual sequence considering that some options in the SE are global options.  I'm hoping it has something to do with the channel/network requirements that you mentioned.  I know I changed the channel name from his naming items to my own. 

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check the controller channel assignment on the traded sequence.  If the channel numbers are different than what you have, your lights won't respond although the sequencer will show the lights going off.

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I agree with jerrymac, check controller channel assignment on the traded sequence.  Also check the network setting.  Youcould have the right unit ID and channels but it traded sequences might be on Network "A" while others are on "Regular".

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As stated above you can't just change the channel name, you have to change the channel configuration (ID & Channels) to whatever your LOR controller is set for, As an example, the traded sequence channels might be set to ID 09 Channel 1-16 and your playing them in your configuration that might be ID 01 1-16


I have some free sequences and the easiest way I have found it to create a blank master config file and then copy/paste from the traded sequence into your master file.

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it was the channel assignment.  all those fields were blank.  it wasn't recognizing my LOR controller but once i selected all the correct info, the lights lit up as expected.  thanks for the help.  i only have 16 channels running 4800 lights maybe, but i feel like i have 10 controllers running 48000 lights !! !! !! 

we can all dream right?

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