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Controller (resolved)

Wayne K

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I fired up my 8 new controllers the other night and it appears I have one that channel 6 and 7 are not working in. Is there any diagnostics or a way to test these. I plugged a set of lights straight into my pig tails from the controller and no power.


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I had a similar issue with my build your own box. I received the pig tails from LOR and 1 of them was not working. After a slight panic, I pulled out my volt meter, turned the channel on in the HU, and tested directly from the board. The board was getting power, but the cord was bad. If you don't have a volt meter, you could just swap the 2 dead channels with pig tails from woking channels. If the previously dead channles now work, then you know it was just a cord. If they don't then contact LOR because you probably have a bad triac.

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I done some more testing after I posted this, This am and found out that the hardware utility will turn the circuits on and off, But the sequence or show will not. So does anyone have a reason for this?



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Wayne K wrote:

I done some more testing after I posted this, This am and found out that the hardware utility will turn the circuits on and off, But the sequence or show will not. So does anyone have a reason for this?



Check your channel config on the affected channels in the sequence editor. If it works from the HWU that's about the only thing that could be wrong...

We ran the show last night and I had two channels fighting over the same circuit and one circuit unused. It looked really bad as they were on my two-color arches and one arch was either half the wrong color, or half out entirely... That will be fixed before tonight's show!

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Well after using Chucks lor utility and printing out all of my 128 channels I found that 2 of the channels in the last controler had the same hardware number as two of them in # 6 controler that I was seeing act up. All is fine now thanks for the help.


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