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Error Loading Sequence


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I use "Instant Sequence" in SuperStar to create a sequence for editing in the Sequence Editor.  After exporting the sequence, sometimes when I try to open it in the Sequence Editor I get an Error Loading Sequence that states "Invalid end centisecond for last replacement event: 14493; channel is 14599 centiseconds"  See the attached file.  It does not happen consistently.  Does anyone know how to fix this?  I'm using version 3.11.2.  Thank you.


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It is a bug. Sometimes Instant Sequence creates effects that go beyond the end of the song, and the Sequence Editor doesn't like that. To fix the problem. Go to the end of the song and delete or shorten the effects so that there are no effects that go beyond the end of the song.


This bug will be fixed in the next release.

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