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Christmas video contest 2013

Jim Hans

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I think we all know that LOR's Christmas video contest is nothing more than a way for the company to post hundreds of videos showcasing outstanding light shows onto its website so that it can sell more product. Nothing wrong with that. I among many others willingly contribute every year as we are proud of what we do and are drawn to being named as a winner.

Each year, however, LOR has taken longer and longer to "judge" the contest. In fact, with time drawing close to their having to post their plea for 2014 videos (hard to call it a contest anymore when there aren't any winners) I can see the LOR staff suddenly realizing their error and randomly drawing "winners" so they can put 2013 to bed and begin posting all those great 2014 videos!

I know, I know, with the flood of new hardware and software this year I'm sure the staff has been extraordinarily busy.... Not to post the videos, just to watch them....

Anyone besides me feel used? Anyone going to not send in videos this year? If they were honest...send in your videos so we can post them, that's one thing. But to gather our videos up under the false pretext of a contest just somehow feels unethical.

Anyway, boring night here at home so I thought I'd throw out this little bomb. What are your thoughts?

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My thoughts are that if you are getting something for free as a result of doing no more that uploading a video that you should be grateful with that. I do not recall ever seeing a defintive timeline promise with this contest. Are you aware who "judges" these? Unless it has changed, it was never "staff" as in plural, it was/is one person.

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My thoughts are that if you are getting something for free as a result of doing no more that uploading a video that you should be grateful with that......

What am I getting for free?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe there is a significant reward to the selected winner(s).


(i.e. no purchase necessary....see dealer for details)


My point is that Light-O-Rama is under no obligation or requirement to have this contest, but they have it as a way of saying thanks to their customers. If they posted something that said entries are due by X and winners will be selected on Y, then there would be a valid argument or question. If I am not mistaken, the grand prize is $2500 in LOR items. You upload your video and when they select a winner, that winner gets something for "FREE". If you are not the winner or there was not a contest you would get what you have now which is nothing.


Likewise to LOR, we as customers are under no obligation or committment to upload our videos or enter the contest. It is a matter of choice. The complaints that LOR is not doing right by their customers is no different that the current state of "entitlement" that is increasingly taking over our society overall.


The bottom line is, LOR is giving something away for free. If you win you should be grateful. If you dont win there is always the option to try again. If you spend every day of your life expecting more than what is owed to you, then you will be miserable at the end of every day. Anything that I get above and beyond what I work or pay for, I consider a blessing and a gift and find that I am a much happier person.

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  • 1 month later...

While I would generally agree with the entitlement thing, I don't think this qualifies. This is more of a customer service/ satisfaction issue. I, for instance, posted a video and really don't expect to win at all. I would, however, like to know what a winning display looks like in other peoples opinion maybe more then a month before I finalize my display. Could be helpful. Maybe I'm doing something wrong that others know how to do right. Also, the contest, I assume, is put on to generate interest. It really isn't nice to gin up excitement and fall this horribly flat in executing the payoff. No, it's not an entitlement thing. It's about respecting ones customers.

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