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How can i pull this off


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Im thinking about a project for 2013.

my question is what do i need LOR wise to pull it off.

i want to control 196 channels running 5 V dc with a max of 1 amp on each, they will be RGB pixels or dumb RGB nodes

Im currently thinking of using 13 LOR DC controllers but thats $1300 just for the controllers.

I heard that LOR can now run (i think its DMX) that can control Pixels (im new to this)

What hardware/software will i need to buy?

I currently have:

software 1.6.9 (its old)

show director

LOR AC controllers

LOR DC controlers

i dont use a computer to run the show.

Edited by gizmo
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I dont do anything fancy until this idea hit me, so the old version served its purpose.

I might have updated to S2 but not sure and that computer has died, and i have not programmed since 2010.

I just want to know what im up against.

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Your license for S2 is still good. My advice, however, would be to download the demo version of S3. That will get you started to learn the essentials of the software that you'll need for working with RGB channels and devices.

From that point on, I think William's advice is the best you'll get. There's been more than a lot written and discussed in the past year so you can start just about anyplace. On the Austrtalia LOR user's forum there's a basic how-to guide for RGB strips and pixels that many people recommend. There's user groups on Facebook with some excellent information archived. There might even be something useful on PC.

Good luck. Merry Christmas!

Edited by George Simmons
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What are you up against? Time and money.

My suggestion is to start looking at the project itself; what exactly do you want to do? What is the stage going to look like and how are you going to construct it? I assume you already know since you have a channel count. You'll have to have the controllers, but you also will need power supplies for the DC, and a method to deliver the power from controller to pixel. Don't forget those power supplies need a power source as well, so you'll need extension cords, circuits, etc. to make that happen. Obviously you'll have to have the pixels/modules for your display elements, too. And the elements will need a structure, so what is that and what does it cost?

What does all of the above cost? If the project is too expensive, then everything else is wasted time IMHO. And since you have seemingly choked on the controller cost, you may be very surprised at what the whole system will cost.

You need to look at construction time, too. Be realistic; how long will it take to assemble each element from start to finish. This can be tough to determine, but if you are facing 8 weeks of work and only have 4 weeks available during the year.... And you have to program the sequences. More time.

If you are still in the game money and time wise, then my next suggestion is to get the software updated and get busy programming. 196 channels won't be an evenings' worth of work! You have lots of catching up to do.

As with any project, it comes down to time and money. If you have plenty of both then you're golden. If you are like me and don't, then step back and make a determination of how to proceed.

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How can i pull this off

If its a bandaid Just yank

The DC controllers will not control Pixels. You will need a pixel controller for them sandevices e682 controller is a good pixel controller sandevices.com . For Dumb RGB strings you can use LOR DC controllers

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How can i pull this off

If its a bandaid Just yank

The DC controllers will not control Pixels. You will need a pixel controller for them sandevices e682 controller is a good pixel controller sandevices.com . For Dumb RGB strings you can use LOR DC controllers

I know LOR DC will only control "dumb" RGB nodes, not pixels

i was wondering what i would need to buy from LOR, upgrade license i figured i will need and should do anyway, (any additional hardware is my real queston) i understand programming will be required but all i want to do basic chasing sequenses so they will not be too bad.

so from your post i will need a sandevices e682 controller. i have not looked yet and will after this but how much can one controller control and how do i get it in time with my show?

thanks for your time!!


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What are you up against? Time and money.

My suggestion is to start looking at the project itself; what exactly do you want to do? What is the stage going to look like and how are you going to construct it? I assume you already know since you have a channel count. You'll have to have the controllers, but you also will need power supplies for the DC, and a method to deliver the power from controller to pixel. Don't forget those power supplies need a power source as well, so you'll need extension cords, circuits, etc. to make that happen. Obviously you'll have to have the pixels/modules for your display elements, too. And the elements will need a structure, so what is that and what does it cost?

What does all of the above cost? If the project is too expensive, then everything else is wasted time IMHO. And since you have seemingly choked on the controller cost, you may be very surprised at what the whole system will cost.

You need to look at construction time, too. Be realistic; how long will it take to assemble each element from start to finish. This can be tough to determine, but if you are facing 8 weeks of work and only have 4 weeks available during the year.... And you have to program the sequences. More time.

If you are still in the game money and time wise, then my next suggestion is to get the software updated and get busy programming. 196 channels won't be an evenings' worth of work! You have lots of catching up to do.

As with any project, it comes down to time and money. If you have plenty of both then you're golden. If you are like me and don't, then step back and make a determination of how to proceed.

I got the display item built just need to light it and I figured i will need 18 strings of RGB to do what i want.

My main question is [it will take 13 LOR DC controllers (about $1300) with dumb RGB to do what i want}...what would it cost to go PIXELS instead of LOR DC

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Pixels are a new animal to many of us.

First you should read the 1.31 threads. This is the way to run pixels if you have a decent learning curve. Cost effective way to add RGB but its hands no. No plug and play like the LOR setups but you can a huge amount of bang for your buck. The downsides, if the controller breaks, the pixels are junk or you didnt go a perfect job sealing from weather, its your buck. I learned this the hard way. Theres not much of recourse to have.

The CCR, CCP, and CCB's are a LOR product with a LOR warranty and LOR customer support. This would be RGB pixel devices. They have warranty, they are setup in LOR and SuperStar is designed around the LOR RGB devices.

Dumb products, I wouldnt reccomend anything other than the LOR DC boards. There are a ton of options for RGB but again this is LOR were using. The LOR boards handle a lot power output which helps with long runs dumb strips.

The biggest part is the 3.5.0 or above license. Without that you do not have 1.31 support.

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I know LOR DC will only control "dumb" RGB nodes, not pixels

i was wondering what i would need to buy from LOR, upgrade license i figured i will need and should do anyway, (any additional hardware is my real queston) i understand programming will be required but all i want to do basic chasing sequenses so they will not be too bad.

Since you only want to do chasing you do not need the superstar add on. But you will need to upgrade your licence I belive it is like $30 and it will cover you on upgrades for a whole year and since you had S1 you will automatically get the Advanced Copy of LOR

No extra hardware except the e682 or a similar pixel controller with the exception of an ethernet port, or wireless internet adapter.

so from your post i will need a sandevices e682 controller. i have not looked yet and will after this but how much can one controller control and how do i get it in time with my show?

The e682 is rated at 6 DMX universes with the ability to be updated to 8 when the frimware comes out for that. As others had said check out the E1.31 board this is a more advanced step to get into but once you understand it. It's just as easy as the rest of the display.

As per programming it is in the sequence editor as any other channel with the exception that the channel assignment is set to a diffrent type of controller.

thanks for your time!!


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