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Halloween Time


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Okay I got bit last year... and after my first Christmas display (16 channel LOR) I am adicted!

Couldn't wait for Halloween to do my next show.

My 16 channels turned into 48 over the summer and I switched to running LED's vs Standard Christmas lights.


Welded up a couple of Pumpkin faces...

I live on a hill overlooking the city... my house gets a little more notice than most. I do have a streetlight out front, not sure if the city would be willing to turn it off for a couple of weeks out of the year :)

Edited by daczone
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  • 2 weeks later...

For the streetlight, I went online to my City Utility dept, filed a request to shield the light from shining in my kids rooms. City Manager called me right away to say they dont have shields for those type lights, but will send someone out to do what they could. Week later, a cherrypicker truck pulls up while I'm working out front.. the guy confirms my address, and request, goes up in the cherrypicker and sprays black paint across half the light lens.. Comes down and says to let them know if it isnt enough (at night).. Night comes around and I see the nearly 85% of my yard is now dark! Oh yeah, and my kids windows too =) WAHOOOO!!! Total cost, abt 12 minutes time filing out the online request and speaking to the City Manager..

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