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Splitting CCR for programming, not phycially cutting


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Fairly new to CCR's...
Here is my issue:
I am NOT physically cutting or altering CCR however I would like to split it in the programming sense and having issues with getting the lights to turn on.
For simplicity lets assume i have 1 CCR, which is 16 foot long. In programming I would like to control the first 6 feet of the CCR completely differently than the next 10 feet.

Have CCR identified as 50 pixels (50*3=150 lights on ribbon)
6 foot section is 19 pixels or 57 (19*3) lights
10 foot section is 31 pixels or 93 (31*3) lights

Here is what I have done thus far...
1. Open Visualizer, new file
2. Draw 1 CCR using the CCR draw wizard (color wheel icon with the black checkmark)
3. Identify CCR with CCR prop name "CCR1_6FOOT" with 19 pixels
4. Click "create as many new fixtures as required" option
5. right click on the line drawn and select properties (fixture properties)
6. set fixture properties as follows:
Name: CCR1_6FOOT - CCR 1
Type: Cosmic Color Ribbon
Part of Prop: CCR1_6FOOT
Level: 1 (Background)
Locked: unchecked
# of Pixels: 19
Virtual Bulbs
Size: 2
Spacing: 1 (greyed out)
Shape: CCR Single Bulb (min. size 1) (greyed out)
Background color: black
RGB Sample Color: Black
Cosmic Color Ribbon
Physical Starting Pixel Number: 1
Network: Regular
Base Unit ID: 01
Unit ID Mode: Normal (single ID)
Channel Mode: Triples (RGB, RGB...)
Resolution: 50 Pixels

7. Draw second CCR using the CCR draw wizard (color wheel icon with the black checkmark)
8. Identify CCR with CCR prop name "CCR1_10FOOT" with 31 pixels
9. Click "create as many new fixtures as required" option
10. right click on the line drawn and select properties (fixture properties)
11. set fixture properties as follows:
Name: CCR1_10FOOT - CCR 1
Type: Cosmic Color Ribbon
Part of Prop: CCR1_10FOOT
Level: 1 (Background)
Locked: unchecked
# of Pixels: 31
Virtual Bulbs
Size: 2
Spacing: 1 (greyed out)
Shape: CCR Single Bulb (min. size 1) (greyed out)
Background color: black
RGB Sample Color: Black
Cosmic Color Ribbon
Physical Starting Pixel Number: 20 << Network: Regular
Base Unit ID: 01 <<< same unit ID
Unit ID Mode: Normal (single ID)
Channel Mode: Triples (RGB, RGB...)
Resolution: 50 Pixels

12. Save visualizer file
13. Open SuperStar sequencer
14. Import visualization
15. Program.... I do notice there is a white dotted line for the split between the 19 and 31 pixels
16. Export sup file
17. Open Sequencer
18. Play sequence while controlling lights.
Problem: only the 6 foot section of lights actually shows, the 10 foot sections are unlit even though they have been programmed and I can see them when I play the drawing in superstar, any ideas?
Additional questions:
I feel like I am missing a major concept, still can't say I 100% understand the difference between a fixture and a prop. I am under the assuption that a prop is a grouping of fixtures, not even sure if this really matters for what I am trying to program..., could someone clarify? Should I be assigning both fixtures to the same prop or does this really matter?
I also would like to see the 6 foot section and 10 foot section in super star as seperate lines, but if that cannot be done, is their a way to run the instant sequence option in superstar so it thinks the 6 foot section and 10 foot section are 2 seperate ribbons. I would like to program them as 2 seperate ribbons, even though physically they are 1 ribbon?
Can I control lights in superstar directly?
I feel like I am missing just a small simple piece of the puzzle, either that or the functionality doesn't exist. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!!!

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Can't do that. the CCR operates off on one controller for the CCR. It would be like taking a 16 channel controller and trying to assigning 2 ID'd for that controller.

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Dennis, thanks for the reply, whats confusing to me is what I was reading in Help...

Just wondering what all this means, especially the Master/Slave part...

Help> Visualizer > Advanced Topics > Using Cosmic Color Devises in the Visualizer

CCR Options and Addressing

In the real world, a CCR/CCB consists of 50 pixels or bulbs tied to a single controller. However, this may not be convenient when working in the Visualizer, so they can be handled in two different ways: Full CCR/CCB Fixtures or Master/Slave CCR/CCB. In the end, both ways will simulate the same way; the only difference is how the CCR/CCB fixtures are defined.

Full CCR/CCB Fixtures (single master)

Using this method, a single CCR/CCB fixture in the Visualizer represents a single physical CCR/CCB. In this way, all 50 pixels are assigned to the same Visualizer fixture regardless of where they are placed on the stage. Simply set the "Physical Starting Pixel" to 1, and set the rest of the CCR/CCB parameters as needed.

Master/Slave CCR/CCB (split CCR/CCB)

This is the recommended method. Using this method, two or more fixtures represent a single physical CCR/CCB. This allows you to group consecutive like-pixels together for easier editing. The CCR/CCB with physical pixel #1 is considered the "master". To create "slaves", specify a physical pixel number greater than 1 with the same Network and Base Unit ID as the master. You cannot specify a unit ID mode, channel mode, or resolution on slave CCRs/CCBs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wanted to do the same thing. My top roofline is getting 4 CCRs with a lot left over because where I want to 'break' the effects lands right in the middle of one of the CCRs!

It's a good thing they go on sale in a few hours :)

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