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What is the cheapest thing that LOR software can turn on/off? I just need about 4 channles for speakers, sign and radio transmitter. Nothing for the show just for backgroung stuff.

--Daniel L

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Daniel wrote:

What is the cheapest thing that LOR software can turn on/off? I just need about 4 channles for speakers, sign and radio transmitter. Nothing for the show just for backgroung stuff.

Well it takes a small initial investment (about $40 for the starter kit) but X-10 is good for that sort of stuff. Modules can be had on ebay for $5-$8.

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You would need a CM11A computer interface. You would also need a seperate COM port for it. (seperate from your LOR COM port). And that is all. You set up the X10 in Hardware utility and then set the sequence specific house/box code in the sequence editor just the way you do with LOR hardware.

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