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Leaving CCR's up year round?


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I am going to get CCR's this year to use on my roof lines. I am wondering if anyone is leaving them up year round. I would like to use them of course in my holiday light shows, but also for accent lighting all year. Plus I have to get a lift every year to put lights on the roof line and thought it would be nice if I could install something and leave it.

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I left mine up last year and they were fine. I will be leaving them in place next year also. They are fairly protected from both rain and sun as they are ziptied to my roof battens under the edge of the roof.

I figured that I was more likely to damage them by taking them down and putting them back up, than by leaving them in place.

Regards Geoff

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  • 4 weeks later...

solm96 wrote:

I am going to get CCR's this year to use on my roof lines. I am wondering if anyone is leaving them up year round. I would like to use them of course in my holiday light shows, but also for accent lighting all year. Plus I have to get a lift every year to put lights on the roof line and thought it would be nice if I could install something and leave it.

I asked my wife the engineer about this one. The only thing I'd make sure of, as I haven't purchased my CCRs yet, is that the casing is silicone. If they are, they are extremely resistant to UV infraction and wetness. I'd be interested in a year follow-up :)
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Just my 2 cents. The electrical code for building says. Holiday lighting is only allowed up for 90 days, Also the cost of CCR's I would want to protect them as much as possible. Just my 2 cents.

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redsea300 wrote:

Just my 2 cents. The electrical code for building says. Holiday lighting is only allowed up for 90 days, Also the cost of CCR's I would want to protect them as much as possible. Just my 2 cents.

You're correct, depending on the city's ordinances and code, and if you have an HOA with strict enforcement mechanisms. However, if you left it up without necessarily lighting it, how would they really know if they're concealed well ? The silicone coating is very protective against the elements. The argument I think he's making is that there could be more damage done by setting up and taking down than simply leaving them up all year ? I could be wrong though. My wife constantly reminds me I am :D
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redsea300 wrote:

Just my 2 cents. The electrical code for building says. Holiday lighting is only allowed up for 90 days....

First Christmas holiday lighting, then Valentines Day lighting, then Easter, then Fourth of July. Thank goodness for International Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19th or you'd have to take them down before Halloween to not violate 'the code' (which is really more of a guideline, ahrrrrr)
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amcdonald307 wrote:

redsea300 wrote:
Just my 2 cents. The electrical code for building says. Holiday lighting is only allowed up for 90 days....

First Christmas holiday lighting, then Valentines Day lighting, then Easter, then Fourth of July. Thank goodness for International Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19th or you'd have to take them down before Halloween to not violate 'the code' (which is really more of a guideline, ahrrrrr)

Lolz, your logic is quite sound good sir :D
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I've got two CCRs that I've left outside almost continuously (one in full sun) for the past 2+ years and they're no worse for wear. I agree that moving them is definitely the greater of two evils. Plus I like seeing how the sequencing looks as I go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

redsea300 wrote:

Just my 2 cents. The electrical code for building says. Holiday lighting is only allowed up for 90 days, Also the cost of CCR's I would want to protect them as much as possible. Just my 2 cents.

Who says they are holiday lighting? It is good to know that people are leaving them up. I like the idea I just need to figure out the best way to get them attached to the house. My problem is I have a dark colored house so it would stand out.

hhhmmm maybe its time to paint the house....then I could add floods to my display.
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It would be nice to leave them up all year round. But being here in Indiana with all the hail we sometimes get it may not be a good idea for me when I get mine

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amcdonald307 wrote:

redsea300 wrote:
Just my 2 cents. The electrical code for building says. Holiday lighting is only allowed up for 90 days....

First Christmas holiday lighting, then Valentines Day lighting, then Easter, then Fourth of July. Thank goodness for International Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19th or you'd have to take them down before Halloween to not violate 'the code' (which is really more of a guideline, ahrrrrr)

Don't forget St. Patrick's, Memorial and Labor Days, Veteran's Day. Or if you can call them landscape lighting.
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  • 9 months later...

Arrrrrrgggggghhhh! Just started putting some of mine up YESTERDAY. Specifically, pixel strings in the fronds of some queen palms. The CCRs were to be next. I was overseen by a nosy neighbor that doesn't want ANY Christmas lights or Nativity scenes in the neighborhood. The complaint went to the HOA and I just received an email this afternoon 'reminding' me that the HOA rules state that holiday lights are to be displayed no earlier than 30 days prior to the holiday and must be down within 30 days after the holiday. They also noted that since Thanksgiving is on 11/22 this year that I cannot start putting my lights up before 11/25. Forget about turning them on they don't even want me to put them up before 11/25!!

I tried the year-round thing last year and left the CCRs up... and received a fine. I tried the landscape/security lighting tact and I thought I had won last Valentine's day. But I was told that I would have to submit blueprints and electrical diagrams along with a review fee and they would have to pass an architectural review board - same people that sent me the fine.

I have determined that LOR and HOAs are mutually exclusive entities.

On the other hand, the HOA rules also state that I have 30 days to correct any grievance before they can fine me. So my lights are going to continue going up. By the end of the 30 days, they will be 'legal' (ie in compliance). I'm not sure if I want to push the year-round thing or not but with 25 RGB floods from Greg, I just might try.

Does anyone else have any experience with HOAs? I would be most interested in the experiences and suggestions of some of the rest of you.

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You know its a shame that people are like that. They don't want us to offend anyone for celebrating the birth of Christ, but they're first in line to offend by sending in a complaint. Sorry to hear about your problems. I think I would have to think about moving. I know sometimes that's not possible, but......

Hope all works out for you.

Oh and by the way, Merry Christmas.

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Thank you for the good wishes Ron. It doesn't have me down at all. I pretty much expected it after last year.

Based upon that experience last year, this last summer I built a 6' by 12' LOR controlled sign that morphs from "Keep Christ in Christmas" to "Merry Christmas" as our reminder to everyone that comes by.

My family and I intend to celebrate Christ's birthday more cheerfully than ever before.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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I'd kind of like to we that sign. Do you still have it?

Excuse me? I assume you mean 'see' it? I'll get some pictures of it once I have it up. It's coro on a 1" schedule 40 PVC frame with 8 LOR channels controlling 2100 mini-lights. I invested in a Cameo die-cutter for the lettering and other decorations. It cuts very nice, script letters, holly leaves, etc. out of vinyl that can be directly applied to the coro and placed outside.

I really like the 25K light minimum idea! Our community was started in late 2005 and barely got going before the housing crash. Now the developer and HOA want everyone to decorate with a lighting contest, tour of lights, etc to show how thriving we are (we're not) - but don't put the lights up too early and preferably only use white 'holiday' lights and no manger scenes in order to not offend anyone. But we don't let it get us down at all - This is a joyous time! We got two more sheep and I ordered three more cases of colored strobes.

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Just my 2 cents. The electrical code for building says. Holiday lighting is only allowed up for 90 days, Also the cost of CCR's I would want to protect them as much as possible. Just my 2 cents.

I think I got that covered.

January 1 Tuesday New Year's Day 2013 January 21 Monday Martin Luther King Day 2013 January 24 Thursday Belly Laugh Day 2013 February 2 Saturday Groundhog Day 2013 February 12 Tuesday Lincoln's Birthday 2013 February 12 Tuesday Mardi Gras Carnival (New Orleans) 2013 February 14 Thursday Valentine's Day 2013 February 18 Monday Presidents Day and Washington's Birthday 2013 March 10 Sunday Daylight Saving (Start) 2013 March 17 Sunday St. Patrick's Day 2013 March 29 Friday Good Friday 2013 March 31 Sunday Easter 2013 April 1 Monday April Fool's Day 2013 April 1 Monday Easter Monday 2013 April 22 Monday Earth Day 2013 May 5 Sunday Cinco de Mayo 2013 May 12 Sunday Mother's Day 2013 May 18 Saturday Armed Forces Day 2013 May 19 Sunday Pentecost 2013 May 20 Monday Pentecost Monday 2013 May 27 Monday Memorial Day 2013 June 14 Friday Flag Day 2013 June 16 Sunday Father's Day 2013 July 4 Thursday Independence Day 2013 July 28 Sunday Parents' Day 2013 September 2 Monday Labor Day 2013 September 8 Sunday Grandparents' Day 2013 September 11 Wednesday Patriot Day or September 11th 2013 September 16 Monday Stepfamily Day 2013 September 17 Tuesday Citizenship Day 2013 September 27 Friday Native American Day 2013 October 14 Monday Columbus Day 2013 October 16 Wednesday Boss's Day 2013 October 19 Saturday Sweetest Day 2013 October 31 Thursday Halloween 2013 November 3 Sunday Daylight Saving (End) 2013 November 11 Monday Veterans' Day 2013 November 28 Thursday Thanksgiving 2013 November 29 Friday Black Friday 2013 December 2 Monday Cyber Monday 2013 December 7 Saturday Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 2013 December 25 Wednesday Christmas Day 2013 December 31 Tuesday New Year's Eve 2013

Edited by friskybri
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