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Has anybody done this as a prop for the Visualizer. I downloaded LOROC Thanks go out to Shannon (cyberfix)very cool program. I have a copy of each skull. I traced it in LOROC and it turned out fine but when i put it in Visulizer it does funny things with the channels.

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Also, make sure you are using the latest version of LOROC from my website. I just pushed a small update of it that has a couple of minor bug fixes.

In older versions, I would find that if the saved prop or fixture was not in the correct format (due to bugs), it would cause issues within the visualizer. I don't remember exactly what, but the side effect was that when I deleted the object, it would prompt me twice to delete.

If I would get that issue, I would close the visualizer and open it again and not use that fixture or prop. I do not think I have seen that happen during my decorations for this years show on the later builds. I did most of my decorations using LOROC.

If you want to post screen shots, send me a PM or post your files, I am sure that I or one of the other smarter (and quicker responding) members can help you!

I am glad to see others trying to use it.

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Would you like me to add your Skull to the 'Props and Fixtures' sticky?

If so, go ahead and post a new topic here with the pic and the attachment. I can then merge it in and it will keep your name on it.

OR, I can post in there myself, but it'll look like it came from me.

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Not right now I was having a problem with it so I posted to see if somebody could help me. once Iget it fixed i will let you know. This is my first one and first time using LOROC

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I really don't see any way for the skull to work. As far as I can tell everything that is there has a Unit 1 Channel 1 assignment.

Let me play with the pic you posted and see what I can do.

How many channels is this skull suppose to be?

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Okay, it appears the skull is 7 channels if every color is traced out. LOROC does up to 5 colors, but that was not a problem.

I did the trace in 3 parts. I traced 3 colors, 2 colors and 2 colors as the breakdown and saved each as a prop. This let me make sure that I was getting a good trace on the various parts. Once I imported all of the props into the visualizer and aligned them, I assigned all the fixtures to the same prop so that everything would be in a single prop.

I have attached a file that includes: prop file, example visualizer file, example sound effect with sequence. I hope this is what you were wanting and good luck!

There is a video at:


Attached files Animated Skull Prop.zip
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