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Adding time to loop.


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I have basic LOR.Latest version.(yes im a newb) I have a show which is just over 10 minutes long.Is there a way to add time so when I loop the show it doesnt just keep playing the same show but has 15 minutes of animation in between music show?

Schedule doesnt work with basic.I tried adding time on track and it shows up but when it loops it keeps doing the same 10 minutes.

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Guest Don Gillespie

ocd wrote:

I have basic LOR.Latest version.(yes im a newb) I have a show which is just over 10 minutes long.Is there a way to add time so when I loop the show it doesnt just keep playing the same show but has 15 minutes of animation in between music show?

Schedule doesnt work with basic.I tried adding time on track and it shows up but when it loops it keeps doing the same 10 minutes.

Not sure what you mean by schedule doesn't work with basic, most of us create an animation with lights all on or fading in and out, you can create the time you would like then insert that into your show, repeat after your musical sequence every time untill you want your show to end.
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Guest Don Gillespie

ocd wrote:

When I tried to go to schedule editor it says I am not licensed for that. Figured it was due to basic license.

I am not sure about basic however you should be able to create a show do you have a blue light bulb in your tray if you do then go to show editor let me know if you can do this.
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It sounds like you want to create a 10 minute animation sequence (call it "Animation")

Then add this sequence ("Animation") to your show...so after all your Musical Sequences play (15 minutes) it then plays your Animation Sequence (10 minutes)...

depending on your schedule, it would repeat this until your shows end for the night...

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Guest Don Gillespie

jimswinder wrote:

It sounds like you want to creat a 10 minute animation sequence (call it "Animation")

Then add this sequence to your show...so after all your Musical Sequences play (15 minutes) it then plays your Animation Sequence (10 minutes)...

depending on your schedule, it would repeat this until your shows end for the night...

I just checked the basic licsence and it looks like you should be able to do this
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jimswinder wrote:

It sounds like you want to create a 10 minute animation sequence (call it "Animation")

Then add this sequence ("Animation") to your show...so after all your Musical Sequences play (15 minutes) it then plays your Animation Sequence (10 minutes)...

depending on your schedule, it would repeat this until your shows end for the night...

That sounds like what I want to do.
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ocd wrote:

I have a white bulb with blue halo on left.
On right tool bar bulb is red.

right click on the red bulb to see your choices...

if you are wanting to make an animation sequence go to the Sequence Editor...

if you are wanting to build a "show" go to the Show Builder...
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ocd wrote:

I have no sequences to ADD.According to LOR.
Is there a way to add sequences to the list that I am missing?

are you in the show editor (which I mistakenly called the "show builder" earlier)...

if so , click on the "Musical " tab ...

then click on the "plus sign" +

all your musical sequences should come up...

highlight the ones you want in your show

they are added...

then use the up and down arrows to place them in the order you want
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Guest Don Gillespie

jimswinder wrote:

ocd wrote:
I have no sequences to ADD.According to LOR.
Is there a way to add sequences to the list that I am missing?

are you in the show editor (which I mistakenly called the "show builder" earlier)...

if so , click on the "Musical " tab ...

then click on the "plus sign" +

all your musical sequences should come up...

highlight the ones you want in your show

they are added...

then use the up and down arrows to place them in the order you want

Sorry had to step out to check on some windows, but anyways exactly like Jim is saying once you have your show set do the exact same thing for your animation once you have that in your show editor you can move them where you want either up or down for fillers hope this is making sense for you
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Guest Don Gillespie

ocd wrote:

Can I get the different types (music,animation ) into 1 list? I did manage to schedule a show.Have to test it.I let ya know.thanks.

Keep us posted, anything to help get your show up and running thats what were here for :P
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ocd wrote:

AHHA.Thanks Thats getting me closer.
How would I mix the musical and animation shows into 1?
you don't...

you save the musical show named: Musical Show

and you save the animation show named: Animation Show

then using the Schedule Editor you Schedule the Musical Show followed by the Animation Show
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Guest Don Gillespie

jimswinder wrote:

ocd wrote:
AHHA.Thanks Thats getting me closer.
How would I mix the musical and animation shows into 1?
you don't...

you save the musical show named: Musical Show

and you save the animation show named: Animation Show

then using the Schedule Editor you Schedule the Musical Show followed by the Animation Show

couldn't have said it better, let us know how this works for you
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