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upgraded to 3.02 and error started happening.


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Just upgraded to 3.02 and my vis files all started opening with this error.

Pushing ok, will open the file, have since had it to crash a couple of times.
It even does the error on a new file I have started, I have setup after the upgrade.


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When the Visualizer saves a file, it will digitally sign that file to ensure that it is not corrupted, or edited outside of the visualizer.

You get this error because the signature that is on the file no longer matches what it should be. A single change will completely change the signature. Once a file is marked as corrupted, it will never pass validation again.

Ok, so all that sounds REALLY bad. But it's not. The signature is more for the people doing support. We can look at the signature and determine if a problem is due to the Visualizer, or something outside of it.

To make the error go away, go into the options and turn on the option that reads 'Don't show corrupted file warning' (it's on Tab 1).

I'll double check to make sure I reset the signature when you create a new file (I have a suspicion that I am not). But if the visualizer is opening the file correctly, you can safely ignore the error.

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Mine is not checked.

However did check told it ok, and then unchecked it just as a precaution.

Still error file showed up.

Went in and made a Grey test.lee. and that did not give me the error file. However the others do.

I am enclosing the file that is giving me the problem.

Attached files 2011_los_show.zip

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