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Can I use my already drawn images.

David Barnett

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Hey folks, I have already drawn my 4 channel pumpkin and tombstone figures. I use/used them with HLD 4.x

Can I somehow use them in the LOR viz. If not, is there a way I can trace them to use in LOR Viz.

HLD is workinng for me, would like to use the new viz, since i'm adding lightning and video to the show.

Not sure bout video, I kknow the Viz will do strobes though.

If the answer is no, believe I'll wait till 2012. Too much learning curve for me right now. Hopefull a swf or vid will be produced to go with the textual tutorial.

Thanks for any input.


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There is no way to bring in a HLD item into the Vis.

Tracing is a great way to create props/fixtures. Bring a picture into the visualizer (in JPG or GIF) as a background, then use the tools to trace. Once complete, export the prop/fixture.

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Hi DevMike. Thanks, these are images I created in Photoshop..jpgs. They have nothing to do with HLD per see, cept to see them in HLD.

Now on my Pumpkins and Tombstones, I have 4 channels each. So inorder to accomplish this, I need to bring in the background pumpkin outline image, trace that with lights, then save as a fixture.

Then bring in the eyes nose image, place inside the outline image and save that, finally the mouth open and mouth closed images, and place those in my outline?

afterwards I could then make this a prop? I guess there is then a way I can reselct the individual fixtures I need to assign controller/channel too?

Little step by step would be helpful, unless you think the tutorial will cover everything?


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Not really....

For example, let's say you have a Pumpkin that uses 4 channels: Outline, Eyes, Nose, Mouth. That Pumpkin would be a 'prop', and each of the areas (eyes/nose/etc) are a fixture.

Creare a new visualizer and bring a picture into it that has the entire pumpkin drawn.

Now, trace the outline of the pumpkin and make that a fixture. Trace the eyes and make that another fixture. Same for nose and mouth,

Now, assign all 4 of those fixtures to a single prop called 'Pumpkin'.

Export that prop.

Create as many different props as you like (for tombstones, spider webs, whatever).

Now you can import those into a full Visualizer as needed.

Be sure to assign the channels to each of the fixtures.

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Ok MIke, I think I understand. So, one you draw that particular fixture, you have to assign the controller/channel at that time; can't do it later? Is that correct?

If so, Then if you have more than 1 pumpkin per se, you'll have to draw each one, since I can't assign the outline,eyes/nose,open mouth,closed mouth later?

Still a little confused, Thanks for your assistance.


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David Barnett wrote:

Ok MIke, I think I understand. So, one you draw that particular fixture, you have to assign the controller/channel at that time; can't do it later? Is that correct?

If so, Then if you have more than 1 pumpkin per se, you'll have to draw each one, since I can't assign the outline,eyes/nose,open mouth,closed mouth later?

Still a little confused, Thanks for your assistance.


David, you can assign channels at any time for the Props.

You only have to draw one pumpkin, than just copy and paste that prop, than assign the proper channels to each copy.

Each mouth/eye position should be a different fixture within that prop.

Hope this helps, feel free to keep asking

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You *can* assign the channels while you are creating fixtures for export, but *should* you? Remember, the idea is to create the physical thing and then worry about wiring it up later.

For example, if you want to have 5 pumpkins in your display, import the pumpkin 5 times, renaming it each time -- say something easy like 'Pumpkin 1', 'Pumpkin 2', etc...

Now, assign the channels to each pumpkin. Either go into fixture mode, and click each element separately (eyes, nose, whatever), and assign the channels there. OR go into prop mode, select a pumpkin and use the channel wizard.

Once you import something into the Visualizer, it is a unique instance.

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Outlining is not best for all situations...I'm trying to re-create a blow mold santa and there are no clear areas to outline...placing pixels (lights) individually would be best. Is that somewhere?

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As of now, as far as I know, no, pixels are not exactly supported yet, only strings

Edit: You could create many strings, making them only one dot long, and than import them into one prop...?

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Thanks guys. That helps immensily. That takes care of Halloween.

Now just have to figure out icicle lights, since suprisingly none are included in viz drawing tools.


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