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S2 or sequence problem ?

Lou Knudson

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I updated to LOR version earlier this year from a very old version. I had been running a show off and on to check if all of my sequences still worked correctly.

I recently purchased some new sequences from WOW Lights. I set up a show using them and everything worked fine. Most recently I set up a show using my previous sequences along with the new ones. All of the sequences I am currently using were purchased from either LOR or WOW Lights.

I am now getting an error message that says " LOR Monitor has encountered an error and needs to close". App. Name lormonitor Mod Ver lorsequence.dll Offset 00035a03

The details say "Error with sequence: cannot get next node at level 0; current mode has -2147483647. Once the error occured the show continued to play for several hours before it was disabled. I was able to enable it again, but shut down again.

Should I be checking each sequence for problems or is something else causing the problem? :(

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The first thing I would try would be to uninstall and reinstall.

Could you please send me (bob@lightorama.com) copies of your sequence, show, and schedule files? Thanks.

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Uninstall and reinstall LOR S2 or the sequences?

I'm not sure if I know how to send you the information you requested or where the files are located. I am just using the simple show builder to set up the show.

I setup a show using the sequences that I used last Christmas which always worked fine. It ran from 3:00 until 8:00 PM as scheduled, but got the error at the end of the show. The only message this time was "LOR Monitor has encountered an error and needs to close". There was no mention of a problem with a sequence this time and it caused the show to be disabled.

The problem didn't seem to occur after the upgrade to S2, but happened more recently. At first I thought it was the new sequences that I purchased, but they initially ran fine. I usually only connect this PC to my DSL when I am going to download a new sequence. Windows did an update recently while it was still connected. Is it possible this corrupted something within LOR S2?

I set up a show this morning before going to work using my Halloween sequences from last year which always worked fine too. I will let you know how it worked out.

Thanks for your reply. I am hoping to get my Halloween show up and running next week.

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That's what I thought, but I wanted to be sure.

So if I uninstall S2 will I need to download all of my sequences that I purchased again or will they be saved? Just trying not to create any more problems.

Sorry for all the questions. I am much more familiar with the electronic / electrical portion than the software.

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