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Sequence for 9 Trees

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On 11/26/2005 7:43:55 PM, Blair Melanson wrote:
>dan i have nine trees with a
>100 lights only one
>color on each tree and i
>do have a 30 amp 16 chanel lor

I unfortunatly do not have the time to create lots of sequences (not even for my own show ) but I thought this would be a chance to talk about using loops in Animation Sequences. Many people make the mistake of thinking that each loop needs to be in its own level but that is not the case. If you look at this example there are lots of loops used but only two of them are in the upper level and those loops contain loops. That is why you use levels so that you can put loops inside of loops.

So Blair, this sequence will work with your 9 trees. Modifiy it as you like. Note that I did not put the rest of the channels 10-16 in this sequence. The reason I did not include them was so that you can create another sequence that contanins those channels. When you build your show you will include both Animation Sequences in the show and then they will run independently....

You can download the sequence file here: http://www.lightorama.com/downloads/9_trees_Unit_1__Chans_1-to-9.las

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