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Light-O-Rama Forums

Forum Updates/Changes


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We've recently reconfigured the forums with the hope that it will make it easier to find information located here.

You'll notice that we now have "sub-forums" for the LOR Hardware, LOR Software and General LOR Questions categories. The purpose of these sub-forums is to make it easier to locate the information you are looking for, or if asking a question, make it easier to post your question in the most appropriate forum.

No system is perfect, but we hope that this will help the forums become a bit more organized.

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After reviewing the feedback to the new forum layout, it was decided that the forums would be reconfigured again.

Forums were separated into groups, with the hopes that it makes things easier to find. The sub-forums were removed, and everything placed in a regular forum.

The forum now has 3 main sections:

  • Light-O-Rama General Questions and Answers
  • Light-O-Rama Hardware
  • Light-O-Rama Software

Each of these sections has forums for the various hardware and software products available from Light-O-Rama.

The Midway Zone and Beta Forums were not reconfigured. Beta Testers: There may be some reconfiguration of the Beta Forums once S3 is released to the Beta Testers. No, there won't be sub-forums.

As was mentioned by a LOR Forum Member, some changes were needed due to the expanding Light-O-Rama hardware and software line. It is hoped that these changes do make it easier to locate the information you are looking for.

If you have any questions about the re-configuration, or ideas to make it better, please don't hesitate to send a PM.

(And, FYI: The notification issue has been looked into. No issue with the message board software can be found that would be causing notifications not to go out. Sorry.)

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