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LOR II Feature Request

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As I was driving to work this morning, I thought of this idea, and programmatically, it wouldn't be too difficult to pull off.

It would be nice to be able to split the channels up by controller, and then assign am amperage value to each channel. This value would be manually input by us, obviously.

Here's where the idea makes more sense. During the playing of a show, each controller has a box that shows the TOTAL amps going through it at any moment in the show. And if there is any part of the show that goes over the rated maximum for the controller, it can highlight in red or something, to let you know that you are turning on too much at one time.

Just an idea.


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I think that may require a hardware re-design as they would have to put a metering circuit on each channel. They would then have to have an A/D converter to input the values to the processor so that the processor can display the values.

It would add quite an expense per unit.

I'd recommend this instead:


Using this, just turn each channel on one at a time. Record your current readings for all channels, then add up all your currents. This will give you the peak current draw of your display.

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No, no hardware modification needed at all. It is simple software programming. I'm not talking about the controller determining the amps, I'm talking about us inputting how many amps are on each channel, then, as the show runs through, the software adds up these values to see if at any moment in the show, we are running over the maximum rated capacity.

Now, of course, having the hardware detect how many amps are going through it would be nice.. but I realize how expensive an addition like that could and would be.


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Chris, this is a very good idea. If this does make into the new software, I would love to see it also be displayed in the control panel. At least then I have something to watch on my display computer when the show is running.

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