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my second 16 chan unit for some reason the past 3 nights after the show ends, say at 10 pm the lights go out like it is suppossed to. in a few seconds later all the channels on the 2nd unit just comes on, just solid on not a shimmer or twinkle. when i disable shows it goes off. i then enable again and in a couple more seconds it does it again. i rebooted computer and it still did it. i ended u unplugging everything from unit #2 and repowering it and it was ok after that. but it has done that for 3 nights.

any ideas or do i need to repower it every day?


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Well it is getting a command from somewhere? Most likely not the PC.... and it seems as if powering it on/off clears it up

I would try resetting it to see if that helps. To reset it:

Power off, Set the Unit ID to 00, then power on for 5 seconds.

Power it off and set the Unit ID back to the original value.....

Lets see if that helps. Rest all of your controllers, we do not really know what is causing this.

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