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Plugging C7 Sockets


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Hello everyone,

As part of my display, I am using C-7 Xenon strobes that I ordered during the CDI pre-sale.  Since I still have all of my incandescent stuff, including at least 15 strings of C-7 sockets, I am planning to use 5 strings of sockets for my strobes, but I'm not going to fill every socket with a strobe.  I'm using 40 strobes, which means I'm going to have 85 empty sockets on my roofline.

I realize that there are probably many ways to plug the outlets - hot glue or electrical tape were the two ideas that I came up with.  But I was wondering if there existed any type of plastic plug that can be screwed into a C-7 socket to make them weather safe.

Any thoughts, fellow lightmaniacs?


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I use to cut the unused sockets off. 

Then I got lazy & don't bother anymore. Just left them open.  Never had a problem either way. 

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