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Re-using cut segments of CCB's?


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I like to cut my CCB's to be nice and tidy with no extras hanging off after the warranty expires. As a result, I have some fairly large sections of CCB's that I would like to re-use if possible.


Is there any way to re-use these? I realize you could solder them together into a string not longer than 50 pixels, but what do you do from there? I noticed none of the wires are color coded inside the insulation or anything, so where would you find the proper pigtail extension for the string? Would you just use a regular CCB controller or are there better alternatives?


I would experiment with it if I wasn't afraid of blowing up a perfectly good CCB controller.


Any advice or experiences would be greatly appreciated.




Edit: If this should be in another forum, I apologize.

Edited by robigd
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Following because I would like to know as well!

I have a few feet outlining my house I would like to remove and even more around the windows.

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Believe you have to use CCB with a "CCB controller", but someone can confirm that.

Non-LOR pixel bulbs have markings on the PCB (under the actual led) that will mark the wires such as 12v/V+ (positive wire) and something like Di (data in) which indicate the string direction and is the middle wire.  Third wire would be ground.  Don't know if CCB have their PCB clearly marked.  One of the wires may be "ribbed"  which would be postive. followeed by data and ground, at least on non-lor pixels


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You can add a wire on to the end of the strand where you cut it off as an extension cable, just make sure to keep the same order of the wires as when you cut it off. It would be best to mark the wire before you cut it. And the data can only go one way - so if you cut it up in to many small pieces you might have a problem with installing some segments backwards.

The trick becomes when you add too much length to the next bulbs, you might have too much of a power drop and need to inject power again somewhere along the way - if not the other end.

If they are wired like CCRs - the power would be the outer two strands and you can test for this on a volt meter to find your + and - 12v.

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I have CCPs, and on those, there are very fine grooves on the outside wire on one side of the cable. Can be seen if you look closely. I marked before I made my cuts in the cable, but used it to be sure I reconnected the wires again in the right order.



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Watch the Ribs on the wire on the connector side of the CCB's.  The ribs get swapped on the other side of the first CCB.  I found this out after I needed to swap a few CCB's to get the string working again.

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