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CF50D RGB Flood Setup in Sequence Editor


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I feel this may be a dumb question but this is my first jump into RGB and I figured flood lights might not be that difficult.  I just picked up a few of the LOR CF50D RGB Flood lights and I have a question about setting them up in the Sequence Editor.  I do understand that they are considered to be separate controllers utilizing five channels (R, G, B, Strobe on time, Strobe off time) so when I go to add it to the Channel Configuration I select "Add Controller", set "Device Type" to Light-O-Rama Controller, "Network" to Regular, "Unit ID" to the ID I assigned to each flood but when I go to assign the number of "Channels", the lowest amount I can assign is 6.    Am I doing this correctly or am I missing something?  Do I set each flood up as a 6-channel controller and just not use that extra channel?


Any assistance would be appreciated.  Thank you in advance for any help.



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Hi John    

SE has some 'helper'  options but you still are able to do things the old way on your own.   The help for  CCF50 seems to be missing. 

Just right click on the bottom channel of your track one.    You will see insert options there.  


Yes   five channels is all that is needed and the top three are a pixel.      I highly recommend you do not put them in that order since your have (or want to have) four  floods.

Create 4 pixels and then 8 channels for the strobes.    With the pixels next to each other you can color and chase them as a group.    In my setup I give each set of something like this its own track.   I like tracks because it creates a boundary which can not overflow into adjacent channels when pasting.  


Right click at the bottom of track one and select insert RGB channels below... you have 4.   Then insert channels below  you have 8.   

Assign the names unit channel one at time.



Edited by ItsMeBobO
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