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Show burps and some weird stuff pops up

CLD Kevin

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I'm finding all kinds of little issues....


Okay, we have 3 commercial shows running....all running basically similar set up except for the channel configuration and unit numbers are different. All 3 are running about 100 CTB16PC controllers on 4 networks and all also has a 9000ch E1.31 element (tunnel)  that was added this year. All 3 are experience the same issue. Since all 3 setup are different, they all have their own sequence, however many of the effects are copy and pasted into each other. The show runs on a constant loop (Show on Demand) running 12 songs for about 5-6 hrs every night. The sequence file size are large due to the new element added but all are in the 300mb to 600mb range. 


So here is the issue.....after a several hours of running perfectly, the show burps. It stops for about 10-20secs and then restarts it self and continues to play. Not the biggest issue as it least it continues to play but something that needs attention. The songs between all 3 don't seem to be common although 2 of the shows did do it on the same song. But that same songs plays fine many times before it does it. Time frame running is not common. The status log show what looks to be Chinese writing in the log after it does it. I try to copy the log, but when I past to Notepad or Word doc....only thousands of question marks (??) show up. So I did a screen capture of it. Super odd? Maybe a bug in the sequences? 




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Very strange.  If it occurs again, could you please try pasting to Wordpad rather than Notepad? I think Wordpad is, generally speaking, better equipped to deal with things like Chinese characters.  Also, if Wordpad can't handle it either, please try downloading something like Notepad++ and seeing if that can deal with it (if it's not too much of a hassle).  If nothing seems to be able to deal with it, please save the file anyway (question marks and all) and send it to me (bob@lightorama.com).


When the show pauses, is it just randomly in the middle of a song? Or is it between songs?

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Bob, all shows are still doing it. Tired on 8 different computes and all did it. I was able to copy the log over to word. When I clicked on the "copy log" button, it would only capture the question marks. But highlighting all and Ctrl C did copy. Last light we actual got some video of it doing it live too. I will send you the log.


The shows pause happens between songs....when its loading the next song. Never in the middle of one. 4:5 to 5:5hrs range seems to be common time when it happens. 


They notice that the 4 ISO adapters and FM transmitter lights are flashing a lot like its communicating during the pause but the show is not playing.  

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Try saving it as a unicode file in wordpad and/or notepad. Do a Save As and then select a Unicode option in the FileType pulldown.

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So I ran another test on my own PC. I ran my Halloween show. 7 songs. Completely different sequences, different PC, different OS. 

After 5.25hr on constant loop....the show did it. It paused, locked up for 20 secs, status log whip and Chinese writing appeared. 


Show did continue, but happen again 2hrs later. I tried using Google Translator to see what the writing says but its just a bunch of gibberish. 


So, since we now tried on 9 different PCs using may different sequences....I'm thinking its a bug in the software. 



Here is a couple of lines if anyone can read Chinese? There is 13 pages of this!!


 ㈀ ㄀㔀 ⴀ 䴀漀戀椀氀攀 䐀䴀 氀洀猀氀挀猀㘀㨀㔀㘀㨀 倀䴀㨀 漀愀搀椀渀最 挀漀洀瀀爀攀猀猀攀搀 猀攀焀甀攀渀挀攀㨀 䌀㨀尀唀猀攀爀猀尀刀椀挀栀椀攀尀䐀漀挀甀洀攀渀琀猀尀䰀椀最栀琀刀愀洀愀尀匀攀焀甀攀渀挀攀猀尀匀栀漀眀 

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Anyone have the time and spare PC to run a test show using your own sequences? Have 10+ songs that are large in channel count and size size. 8000+ channels and 300mb+ size. 

Run a constant loop for 5+ hrs and see if you get the same issue. You dont actually need lights/controllers connected....just the adapters. 


Running both LOR. DMX, E1.31 networks. 


OS does matter...it happens on XP, Win7, Win8 and Win10. 


S4: 4.2.6


PM me if you have the time. Thanks!

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Did you check your windows eventlogs for anything unusual happening at that same time? Use perfmon to track memory, disk activity, threads, handles, etc. Could be there's some issue with memory (garbage) cleanup and after awhile it causes a problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I also got some  the Chinese characters in my Status window.

it seems to be running though.... did see if it reset or did anything weird...


I just happened to see the chinese


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Today while running a show on demand, I noticed my sequence had locked up.  This happened to me 4 times.  When I checked the log, I too had Chinese in the log.  I had to unload LOR and then restart.  I'm having all kinds of issues that make no sense.  I have controllers that respond as sequenced then decide to just quit working.  Network light is on solid on all controllers that quit responding.  I did not check the log to see if Chinese was present or not.  I'm running 3 DMX networks, 1 LOR network, and an E1.31 network running the latest version of LOR Pro.

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It still happening every night. The common thing between the shows is when its running around 4.5 to 5 hours....thats when it happens.


But now there is a new issue that popped up. Doesn’t happen every night but has happen 3 or 4 times. It bypasses songs from the lineup. We have a total of 15 songs running now. The Chinese symbol thing happens and show stops for 20 seconds like it’s done every night but this time got an error message, “Error Sequence Media File” and skips the song, goes to the next and does it again, and again, and again until it finds the media file. Tonight it did it to 10 of the 15 songs so it was only playing 5 songs until someone noticed it. Last week it did it twice and only found 2 songs. They had to complete shut down the software and reload to get it back and going.


We open up another commercial show Friday with similar running times and setup, but different sequences and that one does it too.


I don’t think it’s the sequences or the audio. The shows runs perfect for all over and over...until the 4.5 hour marker.


The Clients are asking if I can use a different software to run the show. I didnt want to change but unless the issue is resolved and soon, I may have to switch.

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Crazydave, are you the person who sent me an email entitled "I got chinese in my LOR Status window too", or a different person?


still waiting for it to happen tonight... probably around 10pm PST

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this may sound stupid, but how about Bob or DevMike remoting in and taking a look at your system?


We have caught it on video and sent Bob plus other info requested. They have the data, just need an answer to whats happening. 

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Yes we did....LOR Tray doubled in memory usage when it happen but that's all they saw. If you have a suggestion to look for something specific, please let me know.

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my show ran fine last night... no Chinese characters.


I'm wondering if it has to do with super large files??

I think the night I got the chinese characters, I had a accidentally included a sequence that was a 60MB file. (It was my New Years countdown clock and It's an hour long sequence)

I will try to retest during thanksgiving morning and see if the chinese comes back..

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Yes we did....LOR Tray doubled in memory usage when it happen but that's all they saw. If you have a suggestion to look for something specific, please let me know.


Without knowing how LOR's programs/processes work and communicate together i'm just speculating, but what might be happening is somehow the memory is getting corrupted by perhaps some sort of buffer overwrite or other mis-management of memory. So instead of the expected messages getting written to the log file what you're seeing is the ASCII representation of essentially data or program code which would look like gibberish.


It would be up to LOR to tell you how to proceed with troubleshooting but we've used a Microsoft Utility called PROCDUMP to monitor processes and dump their memory content once the utilization reaches a certain high point (which indicates some kind of problem). They might be able to tell what was going on at the time by looking at the dump.

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Mine has exactly the same Chinese writing. I have never seen the show do anything, but the Chinese characters are exactly the same. My show is quite small. 1200 channels. My files are all 10-100MB. Looking back on the log I had it twice on one song which is 80MB.



I was about to post a thread about the weird characters when I saw this.

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