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Best time to buy?


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Hi all. I'm new, and have not yet bought any controllers... I'm very interested, but would love to know whe the best time to buy is?. When does LOR have sales. I'm sure I've missed one so I'll miss out this Xmas, but eating to have a display in for next year.... Hope you guys can help.


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LOR usually has 2 sales a year.

One in the spring ( March/April ) & one in the summer ( June/August )

Those months I quoted are for when the sale starts.The sales only last a couple of weeks.

There are better deals in the spring sale as they are for inventory reduction.


Don't miss the sales sign up here!

Edited by Darryl Lambert
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The spring LOR sale is a "mad grab" type sale.  Limited inventory and done during a very short time frame..less than 24 hours.  The summer sale doesn't have lmited inventory and is over mutilple days. So a less panic driven sale.   Some item  are slightty cheaper during spring sale, but many other items are the same price such as cmb16/24 boards.

You can also watch for used hardware in the coffee shop forums.  But you have to compare the price to  age of the hardware and take into consideration that there is no warranty.  You'll see used hardware going for what you can buy it new , during LOR sales and have a full warranty.

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Spring or summer sales are the best time to buy. Outside of sales prices stay almost the same all year, so whenever.

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It also depends on what you will be looking for, A lot owners of controllers are changing over to RGB. So are moving there controllers on. There's often controllers for sale on here and on Facebook ( light-o-rama users)

However, second hand is not always cheaper. I'm not sure if the warranty is transferable plus of course the postage can put the price up.

Edited by robongar
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