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Sequencing question , twinkle on RGB are in color, not solid


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Sequencing question, when I programmed my RGB channels to twinkle while white, they actually twinkle in colors, the red, green, and blue twinkle independently. Anyone know a solution for this?

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There is no solution to this. You could make a sequence that turns white on and off real quick. You have to manually twinkle white.

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If you are using a LOR RGB device, you can take advantage of Macros.


From my notes, a white twinkle would be:



151    50
152    0
153    0
154    0
155    7
156    100
157    0



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Maybe I'm just not getting it lol, but I've been trying to figure out the macros for a couple weeks. Does anyone happen to have a video or pictures or something that explains how to do it? I must need the book "RGB for Dummies" lol

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LOR Documentation for macros can be found here.

That was the first thing I read through, I would consider that to be written by an engineer for a computer savvy person. Went right over my head. Now don't get me wrong I have gotten the programming in superstar figured out and have my pixels working. But the Macros thing hasn't clicked yet

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Try setting up a CCR (or CCP, etc.) in the Sequence Editor. Then using the values in my post above, set the macro channels to the intensity shown. If my notes are correct, you should get a white twinkle.


You could also test using the 'Console' in the Hardware Utility. Make sure your "Channel Mode" is set to Extended Circuit IDs when you test. 

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But the Macros thing hasn't clicked yet


Here's how to the white twinkle as Don suggested above.

  1. Figure out where you want the twinkle to stand and end. For example, let's say you want to start the twinkle at 0:10 and end at 0:20.
  2. In the sequence editor, expand the CCR (It probably is a group) so you can see its channels up to 157.
  3. In the range selected (0:10 to 0:20), select all channels in the CCR and turn them off.
  4. Bring up the intensity tool, and click the "Edit" button. Set one of the intensities to 7%. Click Accept.
  5. Select that intensity (7%).
  6. Select channel 155 (color effect) from 0:10 to 0:20 and press the 'i' key.
  7. Don had an error is his example. Channel 157 (Color intensity) sets the brightness of the twinkle. It needs to be more than 0 to actually show the lights. Select channel 157 (color intensity) from 0:10 to 0:15. Turn it fully on ('n' key).
  8. Select channel 157 (color intensity) from 0:15 to 0:20. Make it fade down from 100% to 0. This will make your twinkle fade out.
  9. Play the sequence, You should see all 50 pixels on the CCR turning white and off at random.
  10. If this effect is too "blurry" from across the street, you may want to set the resolution down by setting channel 151 to something lower that 50.
  11. If the twinkling is too fast or too slow, change the intensity of channel 156 (color speed).
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